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Saturday, 28 March 2015

Cool Tips Nobody Knows

Yes, it’s a clean, minimalist interface. Yes, you can transform your photos with just a few clicks in our photo editor. Yes, it’s easy as all get-out to use. But we’ve got some hidden gems to tell you about; cool little tricks to make your photo editing better, stronger, faster. Flex your new powers in the Editor , and feel the Earth rumble!

Creating a straight line using the Draw tool: Hold down the shift key while you drag the pointer.
Aligning a horizon on a landscape shot: For a fun alternative to the “Straighten” slider in Rotate, drag the pointer across your image along the axis you want to straighten. PicMonkey magically straightens the whole shebang. This trick just might help you parallel park better, too, although we’re not sure how.
Changing the dimensions of an overlay or text: If you want to, say, stretch a speech bubble to make it wider, hold down the shift key while dragging the corner handle of the overlay. This will let you both resize it and change its shape. If you don’t like your changes, right-click and select “Original aspect ratio.”
Straightening an overlay or text: If you’ve added an overlay or text object and rotated it, you can straighten it by right-clicking on the object and choosing “straighten.”
Duplicating an overlay or text: Right-click and choose “duplicate.” This is useful if you’ve already customized your object (size, color, etc.) and want to make a copy of it.
Letting the Editor deduce all your editing choices:  The Monkey wants you to be able to do this by pressing your forehead against the screen but this one’s not ready for prime time yet. (And, ah … don’t hold your breath!)
Working with multiple overlays or text objects: You can control the layer order of an overlay or text object by right-clicking it and choosing “send to back,” “send backward,” “bring forward,” or “bring to front.” Sending to the back puts that layer in the bottommost position, whereas sending backward just shoves it back one more layer. Bringing to front puts the layer in the topmost position, whereas bringing it forward will pop it just one layer forward.
Proving your dope knowledge of kitsch: If you know where, in this article, the 70’s TV show “The Six Million Dollar Man” was referenced, give us a shout on Twitter@PioneerEditing. Anyone…? Bueller… anyone?
Making shadow text: Right-click on your text, and select “duplicate text.” Position the second layer behind to the first, close but offset a bit, and fade it back to about 70%.
Applying a texture or effect to all the layers of your photo: Click the merge button on the top toolbar before clicking on the effect or texture. The merge icon looks like a stack of papers with an arrow pointing down.
Using Mascara to do cool stuff having nothing to do with eyelashes: We’re stumped, but someone alluded to it once in Facebook. Please comment below if you know!
Part of a photo or text against an invisible background:  Open Design and select the “Transparent canvas” box. Your background will look like a gray checkerboard, but that’s how you know it’ll be transparent when you (must) save it as a .png file.
Positioning text over a watermark or subway art square: If you want to center or justify text left or right on top of a circumscribed area — say, an overlay, or one section of your overall image — make sure that the text box is stretched fully over that area so it knows the true borders to position within.
We are constantly amazed at all the tricksy ways PicMonkeyers are using our photo editor in ways we hadn’t imagined, so please do let us know if you’ve got a good one.  Release the comments!
Want even more tips? Check out these links:

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