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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Some Photo Editing tips and tricks every landscape photographer must know

In-camera technique is, of course, important. But your prowess in the digital darkroom is increasingly crucial to the success of your images and crafting a look that defines you as an artist. This is especially true with landscape photography. In our latest photo editing guide we offer 14 photo editing tricks and tips that every landscape photographer must know.
Whether starkly beautiful, bursting with colour or magnificently minimal, no other type of photography offers more potential for stunning imagery than landscapes. Travel halfway around the world or look out of your back window, if you look hard enough, you’ll find a scene worth capturing.
In this tutorial we offer up a variety of tips, advice and Photoshop techniques to help you capture and enhance your own awe-inspiring landscapes.
We’ve gathered together some of the finest professional landscape photographers out there to showcase their best shots and quiz them on exactly how they approach their craft in the age of the digital darkroom.
Alongside these insights from the pros, we’ve got a fantastic variety of Photoshop techniquesfor you to try, from fundamental raw skills on tweaking exposure and revealing detail, to adding breathtaking light rays, making innovative ‘dotscapes’ and even building a landscape from scratch.
You’ll also find a selection of videos among this month’s project files that go into some of the techniques featured here in greater detail.

Although approaches to shooting landscapes have changed over the years, a few things remain constant. Besides an eye for photo composition, a sturdy tripod, quality lenses and a good deal of patience are still among the most important ingredients for success.

 01 Master HDR
 02 Blend raw exposures
 03 Combine several photos into panoramas
 04 Reveal more detail with Layer Masks
 05 Control the tonal range
 06 How to make light rays
 07 Use Lightroom’s Adjustment Brush
 08 Use Selective Adjustments
 09 How to use focus stacking
 10 Make a ‘Dotscape’
 11 Make a surreal scene
 12 Light painting
 13 The key to editing in black and white
 14 Raw tonal control

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